
Power requirements for industrial applications

AC-DC & DC-DC products

The power requirements for industrial applications are vast, diverse and demanding. We uphold our commitment to offer superior technical and commercial solutions, ensuring that we can fulfil the huge spectrum of requirements for industrial products.

Our expertise allows us to understand the critical design constraints required for specific products and tailor a solution to meet that demand whilst ensuring safety and long-term reliability.

Our extremely broad product offering of AC-DC & DC-DC products allows us to design-in the right solution for you.


Design factors to consider for industrial applications:

Extreme high temperature

High temperature can severely shorten lifetime of any product. Electrolytic capacitors suffer from this. At FiDUS we offer products with exceptional derating characteristics and operating temperature up to 85degC.



Keeping a power supply within its design specification is crucial to maintain its reliability. Depending on the environment certain types of cooling may not be suitable. Force cooling using fans adds extra cost, complexity and reduction in reliability. At FiDUS Power we offer solutions with high convection cooled ratings and baseplate cooling.


Harsh Environment

Severe environmental conditions can affect power supplies in the form of condensation, dust and salt spray. This can corrode PCB tracking causing early life failures. We can offer product with conformal coating or provide fully encapsulated solutions.

AMC30           HAE200

Peak Power

Many industrial applications have very low duty cycles where full power is required for very short periods followed by low demand. This is true with motors that have a high starting current followed by a small running current. The solution is to utilise a smaller power supply rated for the lower running current that is also able support the high peak current demand in short bursts. The advantage of this is to keep cost down and reduce size. We have a wide range of products with this capability. 


Our Industrial power products have been expertly designed to meet the complex requirements of this demanding sector. All our products have worldwide agency approvals and carry a FiDUS Power 5-year warranty as standard. We are confident that our power solutions are built to last and keep your critical systems operational for years to come.